Another novel from de Rosnay. My local librarian must have taken a liking to her, most of her books are available there. Although, I must say I don’t mind at all, she is a very good writer after all.
I read some very positive comments about La mémoire des mûrs. A short novel (100 pages), dark and sharp. I was really looking forward to reading it and it was a very nice read. Theoretically, it has everything: the style, the pace, the story. I expected to read it from cover to cover in a couple of hours, yet that was not the case. I was glad to resume the story, but I did not feel captivated the way I thought I would be.
What I noticed, and it concurs with Rose, is that de Rosnay really loves Paris. She feels passionate about depicting the architecture, quoting the names of the streets, giving some historical background, etc. One can easily find his way through the capital following her indications, everything is accurate and checked. While I am not at all fond of Paris, I can’t help but feeling her enthusiasm through her writings and share it with her. This is something very few authors manage to achieve.
Finally, I would like to highlight the quality of the last chapter. Not only is the tension building up at a fast pace, but the silence of the outcome is an absolute perfection. A true tour-de-force.